Packages that are used to tunnel network traffic on a given network.

Tool count: 18

BlackArch tunnel
Name Version Description Homepage
chisel 239.ab8f06a A fast TCP tunnel over HTTP.
chownat 0.08b Allows two peers behind two separate NATs with no port forwarding and no DMZ setup on their routers to directly communicate with each other
ctunnel 0.7 Tunnel and/or proxy TCP or UDP connections via a cryptographic tunnel.
dns2tcp 0.5.2 A tool for relaying TCP connections over DNS.
fraud-bridge 10.775c563 ICMP and DNS tunneling via IPv4 and IPv6.
icmptx 0.2.r12.g2235866 IP over ICMP tunnel.
ip-https-tools 7.170691f Tools for the IP over HTTPS (IP-HTTPS) Tunneling Protocol.
ligolo-ng v0.7.5.r1.g9c75364 An advanced, yet simple, tunneling tool that uses a TUN interface.
matahari 0.1.30 A reverse HTTP shell to execute commands on remote machines behind firewalls.
morxtunel 1.0 Network Tunneling using TUN/TAP interfaces over TCP tool.
multitun 1.319a134 Tunnel arbitrary traffic through an innocuous WebSocket.
neo-regeorg v5.2.1.r0.g05081d1 Improved version of reGeorg, HTTP tunneling pivot tool
ngrok 3.2.2 A tunneling, reverse proxy for developing and understanding networked, HTTP services.
oniongrok v1.1.11.r0.gcbae9e7 Onion addresses for anything.
regeorg 30.1ca54c2 The successor to reDuh, pwn a bastion webserver and create SOCKS proxies through the DMZ. Pivot and pwn.
stegosip 11.5cda6d6 TCP tunnel over RTP/SIP.
vstt 0.5.3 VSTT is a multi-protocol tunneling tool. It accepts input by TCP stream sockets and FIFOs, and can send data via TCP, POP3, and ICMP tunneling.
xfltreat 270.17d4ec8 Tunnelling framework.