Packages that primarily attack social networking sites.

Tool count: 59

BlackArch social
Name Version Description Homepage
anontwi 1.1b A free software python client designed to navigate anonymously on social networks. It supports and
blackeye v2.5.r8.gbdc11a2 Ultimate phishing tool with ngrok and serveo.
buster 92.131437e Find emails of a person and return info associated with them.
cardpwn 32.166abf9 OSINT Tool to find Breached Credit Cards Information.
catphish 44.768d213 For phishing and corporate espionage.
chameleonmini 613.ad0eece Official repository of ChameleonMini, a freely programmable, portable tool for NFC security analysis that can emulate and clone contactless cards, read RFID tags and sniff/log RF data.
credsniper 21.f52461b Phishing framework written with the Python micro-framework Flask and Jinja2 templating which supports capturing 2FA tokens.
crosslinked 49.2ae8d7b LinkedIn enumeration tool to extract valid employee names from an organization through search engine scraping.
email2phonenumber 29.9df9dbe A OSINT tool to obtain a target's phone number just by having his email address.
facebash 17.95c3c25 Facebook Brute Forcer in shellscript using TOR.
facebookosint 21.656a04a OSINT tool to replace facebook graph search.
facebrok 33.0f6fe8d Social Engineering Tool Oriented to facebook.
fbi 28.0f94e99 An accurate facebook account information gathering.
fluxion v4.10.r240.g4f461a4 A security auditing and social-engineering research tool.
genisys 53.d53bb0c Powerful Telegram Members Scraping and Adding Toolkit.
gg-images 35.b2dd863 The application was created to allow anyone to easily download profile pictures from GG.
gocabrito 4.33ac59a Super organized and flexible script for sending phishing campaigns.
gophish 815.95618469 Open-Source Phishing Framework.
hemingway 8.9c70a13 A simple and easy to use spear phishing helper.
hiddeneye 1228.7a3deaf Modern phishing tool with advanced functionality.
hiddeneye-legacy RC1.r226.g7a3deaf Modern Phishing Tool With Advanced Functionality.
holehe 434.14da70f A tool for Efficiently finding registered accounts from emails.
instagramosint 21.30b5735 An Instagram Open Source Intelligence Tool.
linkedin2username 144.8889f30 OSINT Tool: Generate username lists for companies on LinkedIn.
linkedint 1.1.FIX.r8.g89ab1d3 LinkedIn Recon Tool.
maigret main.r46.gb90cdb1 OSINT username checker. Collect a dossier on a person by username from a huge number of sites.
muraena 230.9a535ba Almost-transparent reverse proxy to automate phishing and post-phishing activities.
nexfil 43.4d93c57 OSINT tool for finding profiles by username.
osi.ig 101.4debaa2 Instagram OSINT Tool gets a range of information from an Instagram account.
pepe 13.b81889b Collect information about email addresses from Pastebin.
phemail 28.302b24d A python open source phishing email tool that automates the process of sending phishing emails as part of a social engineering test.
phishingkithunter 20.ac9bd1e Find phishing kits which use your brand/organization's files and image'.
phoneinfoga v2.11.0.r0.g5f6156f Information gathering & OSINT framework for phone numbers.
phonia 593.8ae14ff Advanced toolkits to scan phone numbers using only free resources.
qrljacker 218.1b0a4e2 QRLJacker is a highly customizable exploitation framework to demonstrate "QRLJacking Attack Vector".
raven 33.8646a58 A Linkedin information gathering tool that can be used by pentesters to gather information about an organization employees using Linkedin.
reelphish 5.dc1be33 A Real-Time Two-Factor Phishing Tool.
seeker 376.692e531 Accurately Locate People using Social Engineering.
sees 67.cd741aa Increase the success rate of phishing attacks by sending emails to company users as if they are coming from the very same company's domain.
set 8.0.3 Social-engineer toolkit. Aimed at penetration testing around Social-Engineering.
sherlock 0.15.0 Find usernames across social networks.
simpleemailspoofer 54.7075f0c A simple Python CLI to spoof emails.
skiptracer 123.ca40957 OSINT python2 webscraping framework. Skipping the needs of API keys.
slackpirate 148.99e470f Slack Enumeration and Extraction Tool - extract sensitive information from a Slack Workspace.
social-analyzer 0.45 Analyzing & finding a person's profile across social media websites.
social-mapper 190.92be8da A social media enumeration and correlation tool.
social-vuln-scanner 11.91794c6 Gathers public information on companies to highlight social engineering risk.
socialfish 250.a22b58d Ultimate phishing tool with Ngrok integrated.
socialpwned v2.0.1.r7.g333d759 OSINT tool that allows to get the emails, from a target, published in social networks.
spf 85.344ac2f A python tool designed to allow for quick recon and deployment of simple social engineering phishing exercises.
token-hunter 343.3358a33 OSINT Tool - Search the group and group members' snippets, issues, and issue discussions for sensitive data that may be included in these assets.
trape 132.6baae24 People tracker on the Internet: OSINT analysis and research tool by Jose Pino.
tweets-analyzer 55.8d6bd3c Tweets metadata scraper & activity analyzer.
twint 845.e7c8a0c7 An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
ultimate-facebook-scraper 236.5661bdc A bot which scrapes almost everything about a Facebook user's profile.
userrecon-py 15.eebd422 Recognition usernames in 187 social networks.
weeman 91.53c2efa HTTP Server for phishing in python.
whatbreach 42.dad6b9f OSINT tool to find breached emails and databases.
whatsmyname 2604.d6d9ad5 Tool to perform user and username enumeration on various websites.