Packages that involve analyzing network traffic.

Tool count: 40

BlackArch sniffer
Name Version Description Homepage
above v2.8.r0.gb73cdec Network Protocols Sniffer.
bittwist 2.0 A simple yet powerful libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator. It is designed to complement tcpdump, which by itself has done a great job at capturing network traffic.
capfuzz 34.97ac312 Capture, fuzz and intercept web traffic.
cdpsnarf 0.1.6 Cisco discovery protocol sniffer.
cottontail 93.b7f5222 Capture all RabbitMQ messages being sent through a broker.
creds 17.1ec8297 Harvest FTP/POP/IMAP/HTTP/IRC credentials along with interesting data from each of the protocols.
dnswatch dnswatch.1.r18.g7ee12c9 DNS Traffic Sniffer and Analyzer.
eigrp-tools 0.1 This is a custom EIGRP packet generator and sniffer developed to test the security and overall operation quality of this brilliant Cisco routing protocol.
espionage 48.2d57edd A Network Packet and Traffic Interceptor For Linux. Sniff All Data Sent Through a Network.
firstorder 8.107eb6a A traffic analyzer to evade Empire communication from Anomaly-Based IDS.
hexinject 1.6 A very versatile packet injector and sniffer that provides a command-line framework for raw network access.
httpry 0.1.8 A specialized packet sniffer designed for displaying and logging HTTP traffic.
httpsniff 0.4 Tool to sniff HTTP responses from TCP/IP based networks and save contained files locally for later review.
hubbit-sniffer 74.460ecf8 Simple application that listens for WIFI-frames and records the mac-address of the sender and posts them to a REST-api.
hungry-interceptor 391.1aea7f3 Intercepts data, does something with it, stores it.
issniff 294.79c6c2a Internet Session Sniffer.
junkie 1365.70a83d6 A modular packet sniffer and analyzer.
katsnoop 0.1 Utility that sniffs HTTP Basic Authentication information and prints the base64 decoded form.
mfsniffer 0.1 A python script for capturing unencrypted TSO login credentials.
mitmer 22.b01c7fe A man-in-the-middle and phishing attack tool that steals the victim's credentials of some web services like Facebook.
mots 5.34017ca Man on the Side Attack - experimental packet injection and detection.
net-creds 87.07a25e1 Sniffs sensitive data from interface or pcap.
nsntrace 81.4d02e74 Perform network trace of a single process by using network namespaces.
ofp-sniffer 230.4b79b6c An OpenFlow sniffer to help network troubleshooting in production networks.
ostinato 0.9 An open-source, cross-platform packet/traffic generator and analyzer with a friendly GUI. It aims to be "Wireshark in Reverse" and thus become complementary to Wireshark.
passivedns 297.be48a8e A network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup.
pcapteller 1.1 A tool designed for traffic manipulation and replay.
pth-toolkit 7.3641cdc Modified version of the passing-the-hash tool collection made to work straight out of the box.
pyrdp 2085.6030556 Python 3 RDP MITM and library.
pytacle alpha2 Automates the task of sniffing GSM frames
rvi-capture 14.a2e129b Capture packets sent or received by iOS devices.
sipffer 29.efc3ff1 SIP protocol command line sniffer.
snapception 8.c156f9e Intercept and decrypt all snapchats received over your network.
ssl-phuck3r 2.0 All in one script for Man-In-The-Middle attacks.
ssldump 1.7 An SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer.
sslsniff 0.8 A tool to MITM all SSL connections on a LAN and dynamically generate certs for the domains that are being accessed on the fly
stenographer 486.355604b A packet capture solution which aims to quickly spool all packets to disk, then provide simple, fast access to subsets of those packets.
tcpick 0.2.1 TCP stream sniffer and connection tracker
wifi-monitor 30.0657e48 Prints the IPs on your local network that're sending the most packets.
xcavator 5.bd9e2d8 Man-In-The-Middle and phishing attack tool that steals the victim's credentials of some web services like Facebook.