Packages that operates on radio frequency.

Tool count: 28

BlackArch radio
Name Version Description Homepage
airspyhf 1.6.8.r36.g39f06a4 Host code for AirspyHF+ SDR.
csdr 0.18.2.r68.g1f15b8c A simple DSP library and command-line tool for Software Defined Radio.
cubicsdr 0.2.7 Cross-Platform Software-Defined Radio Application.
gpredict 1647.91a4a3f A real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction application.
gps-sdr-sim 224.28ca29a Software-Defined GPS Signal Simulator.
gqrx-scanner 1.0.5 A frequency scanner for Gqrx Software Defined Radio receiver.
gr-air-modes 396.0b6c383 Gnuradio tools for receiving Mode S transponder signals, including ADS-B.
gr-dect2 35.a1074fd Real-time DECT voice channel decoding by Gnuradio.
gr-gsm 1194.a77cf59 Gnuradio blocks and tools for receiving GSM transmissions.
gr-paint 50.3806b20 An OFDM Spectrum Painter for GNU Radio.
gsmevil2 12.eb96b4f Python web-based tool which use for capturing imsi numbers and sms.
hacktv 506.9319014 Analogue TV transmitter for the HackRF.
libosmocore 1.10.0.r47.g38eb428 Collection of common code used in various sub-projects inside the Osmocom family of projects.
lte-cell-scanner 26.e7f71cb An OpenCL accelerated TDD/FDD LTE Scanner.
openwebrx 1.2.2.r389.g640c5b0 Open source, multi-user SDR receiver software with a web interface.
proxmark 2413.61163344 A powerful general purpose RFID tool, the size of a deck of cards, designed to snoop, listen and emulate everything from Low Frequency (125kHz) to High Frequency (13.56MHz) tags.
qradiolink Multimode SDR transceiver for GNU radio, ADALM-Pluto, LimeSDR, USRP.
rfcat v2.0.1.r5.g07f99bb Swiss-army knife of ISM band radio.
rtl 25.02+1.r3627.20250228.7a2b80f1 A generic software defined radio data receiver, mainly for the 433.92 MHz, 868 MHz (SRD), 315 MHz, 345 MHz, and 915 MHz ISM bands.
rtl-wmbus d2be82c.r25.g34684e6 Software defined receiver for wireless M-Bus with RTL-SDR.
rtlamr 197.03369d1 An rtl-sdr receiver for smart meters operating in the 900MHz ISM band.
sdrpp nightly.r275.gf90e2d5 The bloat-free SDR receiver.
sdrsharp The most popular SDR program.
sdrtrunk 0.6.0 A cross-platform java application for decoding, monitoring, recording and streaming trunked mobile and related radio protocols using SDR.
simtrace2 1079.e6e7739 Host utilities to communicate with SIMtrace2 USB Devices.
spektrum 2.1.0 rtl-sdr spectrum analyzer.
wmbusmeters 1.17.1 Read the wired or wireless mbus protocol to acquire utility meter readings.
yate-bts 6.1.0 An open source GSM Base Station software.