Packages that scan selected systems for vulnerabilities or information about the network

Tool count: 144

BlackArch networking
Name Version Description Homepage
adassault 0.0.3.r26.g4bf4ba9 An Active Directory environments pentest tool complementary to existing ones like NetExec.
aiengine 2.0.1 A packet inspection engine with capabilities of learning without any human intervention.
apacket 374.16e7036 Sniffer syn and backscatter packets.
argus Network monitoring tool with flow control.
argus-clients Network monitoring client for Argus.
arpalert 2.0.12 Monitor ARP changes in ethernet networks.
arping-th 2.25 ARP Ping from Thomas Habets (aka Debian arping).
arptools 13.41cdb23 A simple tool about ARP broadcast, ARP attack, and data transmission.
arpwner 26.f300fdf GUI-based python tool for arp poisoning and dns poisoning attacks.
asnmap v1.1.1.r0.g9eed841 Map organization network ranges using ASN information.
autovpn 18.28b1a87 Easily connect to a VPN in a country of your choice.
buttinsky 138.1a2a1b2 Provide an open source framework for automated botnet monitoring.
bypass-firewall-dns-history 33.c55b7ce Firewall bypass script based on DNS history records.
chameleon 29.4414287 A tool for evading Proxy categorisation.
chaosreader 0.94 A freeware tool to trace tcp, udp etc. sessions and fetch application data from snoop or tcpdump logs.
chopshop 444.8bdd393 Protocol Analysis/Decoder Framework.
cidr2range 1.0 Script for listing the IP addresses contained in a CIDR netblock.
creak 41.a6c011f Poison, reset, spoof, redirect MITM script.
cyberscan 75.ca85794 A Network Pentesting Tool.
dcdetector 0.0.1.r52.g2e69244 Spot all domain controllers in a Microsoft Active Directory environment. Find computer name, FQDN, and IP address(es) of all DCs.
depdep 2.0 A merciless sentinel which will seek sensitive files containing critical info leaking through your network.
det 31.417cbce (extensible) Data Exfiltration Toolkit.
dhcpoptinj 123.58a12c6 DHCP option injector.
dinouml 0.9.5 A network simulation tool, based on UML (User Mode Linux) that can simulate big Linux networks on a single PC
dnsdiag 343.39a1b1e DNS Diagnostics and Performance Measurement Tools.
dnsfilexfer 24.126edcd File transfer via DNS.
dnsobserver 5.f331482 A handy DNS service written in Go to aid in the detection of several types of blind vulnerabilities.
dnsteal 28.1b09d21 DNS Exfiltration tool for stealthily sending files over DNS requests..
dnsvalidator 82.146c9b0 Maintains a list of IPv4 DNS servers by verifying them against baseline servers, and ensuring accurate responses.
dripcap 0.6.15 Caffeinated Packet Analyzer.
dtp-spoof 5.3ae05fc Python script/security tool to test Dynamic Trunking Protocol configuration on a switch.
dublin-traceroute 347.d81c77e NAT-aware multipath tracerouting tool.
dump1090 386.bff92c4 A simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices.
evillimiter 36.46d2033 Tool that limits bandwidth of devices on the same network without access.
exabgp 4.2.6.r760.g0834593 The BGP swiss army knife of networking.
filibuster 167.c54ac80 A Egress filter mapping application with additional functionality.
firecat 6.b5205c8 A penetration testing tool that allows you to punch reverse TCP tunnels out of a compromised network.
flowinspect 97.34759ed A network traffic inspection tool.
girsh v0.41.r0.gfc5b44e Automatically spawn a reverse shell fully interactive for Linux or Windows victim.
gspoof 3.2 A simple GTK/command line TCP/IP packet generator.
gwcheck 0.1 A simple program that checks if a host in an ethernet network is a gateway to Internet.
haka 0.2.2 A collection of tool that allows capturing TCP/IP packets and filtering them based on Lua policy files.
hharp 1beta This tool can perform man-in-the-middle and switch flooding attacks. It has 4 major functions, 3 of which attempt to man-in-the-middle one or more computers on a network with a passive method or flood type method.
http-traceroute 0.5 This is a python script that uses the Max-Forwards header in HTTP and SIP to perform a traceroute-like scanning functionality.
hyde 11.ec09462 Just another tool in C to do DDoS (with spoofing).
hyenae 0.36_1 Flexible platform independent packet generator.
hyperfox 121.1a8c26f A security tool for proxying and recording HTTP and HTTPs traffic.
infection-monkey v2.2.0.r3599.ga55fc8dfe Automated security testing tool for networks.
interlace 354.79b8949 Easily turn single threaded command line applications into a fast, multi-threaded application with CIDR and glob support.
ipaudit 1.1 Monitors network activity on a network.
ipdecap 96.45d2a7d Can decapsulate traffic encapsulated within GRE, IPIP, 6in4, ESP (ipsec) protocols, and can also remove IEEE 802.1Q (virtual lan) header.
ipv4bypass 24.f54072b Using IPv6 to Bypass Security.
jnetmap 0.5.5 A network monitor of sorts.
kickthemout 212.861aea2 Kick devices off your network by performing an ARP Spoof attack.
krbjack 1.2.0 DNS dynamic update abuse in ADIDNS and MitM attack using Kerberos AP-REQ hijacking.
latd 1.31 A LAT terminal daemon for Linux and BSD.
libparistraceroute 380.455f5ef A library written in C dedicated to active network measurements with examples, such as paris-ping and paris-traceroute.
libtins 1305.fe22186 High-level, multiplatform C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library.
loic An open source network stress tool for Windows.
maclookup 0.4 Lookup MAC addresses in the IEEE MA-L/OUI public listing.
maketh 0.2.0 A packet generator that supports forging ARP, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP and the ethernet header as well.
malcom 708.02e55b9 Analyze a system's network communication using graphical representations of network traffic.
massdns 309.cb49ad2 A high-performance DNS stub resolver in C.
middler 1.0 A Man in the Middle tool to demonstrate protocol middling attacks.
mitm 8.bd2b351 A simple yet effective python3 script to perform DNS spoofing via ARP poisoning.
moloch 0.11.3 An open source large scale IPv4 full PCAP capturing, indexing and database system.
mptcp 1.9.0 A tool for manipulation of raw packets that allows a large number of options.
mptcp-abuse 6.b0eeb27 A collection of tools and resources to explore MPTCP on your network. Initially released at Black Hat USA 2014.
mylg 659.faba867 Network Diagnostic Tool.
nacker 23.b67bb39 A tool to circumvent 802.1x Network Access Control on a wired LAN.
nbtool 2.bf90c76 Some tools for NetBIOS and DNS investigation, attacks, and communication.
ncpfs 2.2.6 Allows you to mount volumes of NetWare servers under Linux.
nemesis 331.5aee868 A command-line network packet crafting and injection utility.
netactview 0.6.4 A graphical network connections viewer similar in functionality to netstat.
netcon 0.1 A network connection establishment and management script.
netmap 0.1.3 Can be used to make a graphical representation of the surrounding network.
netreconn 1.78 A collection of network scan/recon tools that are relatively small compared to their larger cousins.
netsed 1.3 Small and handful utility design to alter the contents of packets forwarded thru network in real time.
networkmap 58.f5faf17 Post-exploitation network mapper.
nextnet 3.c8dc7a6 Pivot point discovery tool.
nfdump 1.6.23 A set of tools to collect and process netflow data.
nield 38.0c0848d A tool to receive notifications from kernel through netlink socket, and generate logs related to interfaces, neighbor cache(ARP,NDP), IP address(IPv4,IPv6), routing, FIB rules, traffic control.
nipper 0.11.7 Network Infrastructure Parser
nsdtool 0.1 A netgear switch discovery tool. It contains some extra features like bruteoforce and setting a new password.
nsoq 1.9.5 A Network Security Tool for packet manipulation that allows a large number of options.
packet-o-matic 351 A real time packet processor. Reads the packet from an input module, match the packet using rules and connection tracking information and then send it to a target module.
packetq 306.201eb88 A tool that provides a basic SQL-frontend to PCAP-files.
packetsender 1134.5a9452e An open source utility to allow sending and receiving TCP and UDP packets.
packit 1.0 A network auditing tool. Its value is derived from its ability to customize, inject, monitor, and manipulate IP traffic.
pcapfex 60.c51055a Packet CAPture Forensic Evidence eXtractor.
pcapfix 1.1.7 Tries to repair your broken pcap and pcapng files.
phantap 64.815c312 An 'invisible' network tap aimed at red teams.
pivotsuite 20.5640666 A portable, platform independent and powerful network pivoting toolkit.
pkt2flow 69.868a2e8 A simple utility to classify packets into flows.
pmacct v1.7.6.r1540.gf00d2e5 Small set of multi-purpose passive network monitoring tools [NetFlow IPFIX sFlow libpcap BGP BMP IGP Streaming Telemetry].
prometheus-firewall 176.a316d66 A Firewall analyzer written in ruby
pwnat 14.d3c2b05 A tool that allows any number of clients behind NATs to communicate with a server behind a separate NAT with *no* port forwarding and *no* DMZ setup on any routers in order to directly communicate with each other.
pyersinia 49.73f4056 Network attack tool like yersinia but written in Python.
pyexfil 81.2ef1b8c A couple of beta stage tools for data exfiltration.
pyminifakedns 0.1 Minimal DNS server written in Python; it always replies with a A-record.
python-cymruwhois 1.6 Python client for the service
python2-cymruwhois 1.6 Python client for the service
rinetd 0.62 Internet redirection server.
rtpbreak 1.3a Detects, reconstructs and analyzes any RTP session
rustcat v3.0.0.r4.g245c791 A modern port listener and reverse shell.
samplicator 175.ceeb1d2 Send copies of (UDP) datagrams to multiple receivers, with optional sampling and spoofing.
sdn-toolkit 1.21 Discover, Identify, and Manipulate SDN-Based Networks
sessionlist 6.3efc3b2 Sniffer that intents to sniff HTTP packets and attempts to reconstruct interesting authentication data from websites that do not employ proper secure cookie auth.
seth 103.8b6e36c Perform a MitM attack and extract clear text credentials from RDP connections.
silk 3.19.2 A collection of traffic analysis tools developed by the CERT NetSA to facilitate security analysis of large networks.
skydive 0.28.0 An open source real-time network topology and protocols analyzer.
smbclient-ng 2.1.7.r5.g4f29b0f Interact with SMB shares.
sniffer 4.688854e Packet Trace Parser for TCP, SMTP Emails, and HTTP Cookies.
sniffles 469.118e93f A Packet Capture Generator for IDS and Regular Expression Evaluation.
snmpattack 1.8 SNMP scanner and attacking tool.
snmpcheck 1.9 A free open source utility to get information via SNMP protocols.
sockstat 0.4.1 A tool to let you view information about open connections. It is similar to the tool of the same name that is included in FreeBSD, trying to faithfully reproduce as much functionality as is possible.
sprayhound 0.0.3 Password spraying tool and Bloodhound integration.
sps 4.3 A Linux packet crafting tool. Supports IPv4, IPv6 including extension headers, and tunneling IPv6 over IPv4.
stunner v0.5.8.r62.g1d82779 Test and exploit STUN, TURN and TURN over TCP servers.
tcpcopy 1283.21a3698 A TCP stream replay tool to support real testing of Internet server applications.
tcpdstat 4.be5bd28 Get protocol statistics from tcpdump pcap files.
tcpextract 1.1 Extracts files from captured TCP sessions. Support live streams and pcap files.
tcptrace 6.6.7 A TCP dump file analysis tool.
tcptraceroute 1.5beta7 A traceroute implementation using TCP packets.
tcpwatch 1.3.1 A utility written in Python that lets you monitor forwarded TCP connections or HTTP proxy connections.
tgcd 1.1.1 TCP/IP Gender Changer Daemon utility.
torpy 60.ebf000c Pure python Tor client implementation.
tunna 41.cba006d a set of tools which will wrap and tunnel any TCP communication over HTTP. It can be used to bypass network restrictions in fully firewalled environments.
turner 32.fad9423 Tunnels HTTP over a permissive/open TURN server; supports HTTP and SOCKS5 proxy.
udpastcp 29.683b5e3 This program hides UDP traffic as TCP traffic in order to bypass certain firewalls.
udptunnel 19 Tunnels TCP over UDP packets.
umit 1.0 A powerful nmap frontend.
uw-offish 0.1 Clear-text protocol simulator.
websockify 946.e818947 WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge.
wondershaper 48.98792b5 Limit the bandwidth of one or more network adapters.
xerosploit 38.e2c3c7b Efficient and advanced man in the middle framework.
xxeserv 14.2c7f444 A mini webserver with FTP support for XXE payloads.
yaf 2.12.2 Yet Another Flowmeter.
yersinia 0.8.2 A network tool designed to take advantage of some weakness in different network protocols.
zackattack 5.1f96c14 A new tool set to do NTLM Authentication relaying unlike any other tool currently out there.
zdns 677.d4b8b3f Fast CLI DNS Lookup Tool.
zeek A powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
zeek-aux 700.5e67276 Handy auxiliary programs related to the use of the Zeek Network Security Monitor.