Packages that are used for tool or work on automation.

Tool count: 109

BlackArch automation
Name Version Description Homepage
apt2 183.8075cdc Automated penetration toolkit.
automato 33.0561b59 Should help with automating some of the user-focused enumeration tasks during an internal penetration test.
autonessus 24.7933022 This script communicates with the Nessus API in an attempt to help with automating scans.
autonse 25.7c87f4c Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit and AutoScanner.
autopwn 190.fc80cef Specify targets and run sets of tools against them.
autorecon 282.19cc46b A multi-threaded network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services.
awsbucketdump 82.4684670 A tool to quickly enumerate AWS S3 buckets to look for loot.
bashfuscator 338.7487348 Fully configurable and extendable Bash obfuscation framework.
blueranger 1.0 A simple Bash script which uses Link Quality to locate Bluetooth device radios.
bopscrk v2.4.7.r2.g7eede16 Tool to generate smart wordlists, eg. based on lyrics.
brutespray 496.4c709ab Brute-Forcing from Nmap output - Automatically attempts default creds on found services.
brutex 114.eacd084 Automatically brute force all services running on a target.
byepass 213.8cbfd9b Automates password cracking tasks using optimized dictionaries and mangling rules.
cewl 189.447ccc1 A custom word list generator.
cheat-sh 6 The only cheat sheet you need.
cisco-snmp-enumeration 10.ad06f57 Automated Cisco SNMP Enumeration, Brute Force, Configuration Download and Password Cracking.
clusterd 143.d190b2c Automates the fingerprinting, reconnaissance, and exploitation phases of an application server attack.
codeql 2.8.1 The CLI tool for GitHub CodeQL
commonspeak 36.f0aad23 Leverages publicly available datasets from Google BigQuery to generate wordlists.
cook v2.2.1.r13.gbabf5ba Easily create word's permutation and combination to generate complex wordlists and passwords.
crunch 3.6 A wordlist generator for all combinations/permutations of a given character set.
deathstar 60.d7bcbfd Automate getting Domain Admin using Empire.
dorkscout 1.0.r13.gdd87daf Golang tool to automate google dork scan against the entire internet or specific targets.
dracnmap 69.09d3945 Tool to exploit the network and gathering information with nmap help.
dumb0 19.1493e74 A simple tool to dump users in popular forums and CMS.
easy-creds 45.bf9f00c A bash script that leverages ettercap and other tools to obtain credentials.
easyda 7.0867f9b Easy Windows Domain Access Script.
emp3r0r v2.4.6.r0.gf0675250 Linux post-exploitation framework made by linux user.
empire v5.12.2.r0.g2765c6a A PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent.
findsploit 87.3e61d8d Find exploits in local and online databases instantly.
fstealer 0.1 Automates file system mirroring through remote file disclosure vulnerabilities on Linux machines.
glue 380.8703380 A framework for running a series of tools.
go-exploitdb v0.5.0.r4.g51689ca Tool for searching Exploits from Exploit Databases, etc.
google-explorer 140.0b21b57 Google mass exploit robot - Make a google search, and parse the results for a especific exploit you define.
gooscan 1.0.9 A tool that automates queries against Google search appliances, but with a twist.
hackersh 0.2.0 A shell for with Pythonect-like syntax, including wrappers for commonly used security tools.
harpoon 386.52c1071 CLI tool for open source and threat intelligence.
hate-crack 223.58c7ec8 A tool for automating cracking methodologies through Hashcat.
havoc-c2 856.fb67b76 Modern and malleable post-exploitation command and control framework.
intersect 2.5 Post-exploitation framework.
invoke-cradlecrafter 19.3ff8bac PowerShell Remote Download Cradle Generator & Obfuscator.
invoke-dosfuscation 7.6260f5b Cmd.exe Command Obfuscation Generator & Detection Test Harness.
invoke-obfuscation 45.f20e7f8 PowerShell Obfuscator.
koadic 637.ac46c44 A Windows post-exploitation rootkit similar to other penetration testing tools such as Meterpreter and Powershell Empire.
ldapscripts 2.0.8 Simple shell scripts to handle POSIX entries in an LDAP directory.
linikatz 48.d9cfdbf Tool to attack AD on UNIX.
linset 9.8746b1f Evil Twin Attack Bash script - An automated WPA/WPA2 hacker.
lyricpass 45.fd31d07 Tool to generate wordlists based on lyrics.
maskprocessor 0.73 A High-Performance word generator with a per-position configurable charset.
masscan-automation 26.a170abc Masscan integrated with Shodan API.
massexpconsole v2.3.5.r1.g530c880 A collection of tools and exploits with a cli ui for mass exploitation.
mentalist 6.953a07b Graphical tool for custom wordlist generation.
merlin-server 1.3.0 Merlin is a cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server and agent written in golang.
metasploit-autopwn 12.09320cc db_autopwn plugin of metasploit.
mitmap-old 0.1 Shell Script for launching a Fake AP with karma functionality and launches ettercap for packet capture and traffic manipulation.
morpheus 165.5d81c9e Automated Ettercap TCP/IP Hijacking Tool.
msf-mpc 35.8007ef2 Msfvenom payload creator.
msfenum 36.6c6b77e A Metasploit auto auxiliary script.
mutator 51.164132d This project aims to be a wordlist mutator with hormones, which means that some mutations will be applied to the result of the ones that have been already done, resulting in something like: corporation -> C0rp0r4t10n_2012
nettacker 0.4.0.r58.g65192c8f Automated Penetration Testing Framework.
nfspy 1.0 A Python library for automating the falsification of NFS credentials when mounting an NFS share.
nfsshell 19980519 Userland NFS command tool.
nosqlattack 98.a5b0329 Python tool to automate exploit MongoDB server IP on Internet anddisclose the database data by MongoDB default configuration weaknesses and injection attacks.
nullscan 1.0.1 A modular framework designed to chain and automate security tests.
octopwnweb 14.e0f83ee Internal pentest framework running in your browser via WebAssembly, powerd by Pyodide
openscap 1.4.1.r16.g5a63d1e83 Open Source Security Compliance Solution.
panoptic 185.df35a6c A tool that automates the process of search and retrieval of content for common log and config files through LFI vulnerability.
pastejacker 12.ed9f153 Hacking systems with the automation of PasteJacking attacks.
pasv-agrsv 57.6bb54f7 Passive recon / OSINT automation script.
penbox 81.3b77c69 A Penetration Testing Framework - The Tool With All The Tools.
pentestgpt v0.14.0.r3.g2a1c528 A penetration testing tool empowered by ChatGPT. It is designed to automate the penetration testing process.
pentmenu 218.2e45233 A bash script for recon and DOS attacks.
pin 3.28.r98749 A dynamic binary instrumentation tool.
portia 39.2e6e608 Automate a number of techniques commonly performed on internal network penetration tests after a low privileged account has been compromised.
pupy 2988.4b78dc58 Opensource, cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android) remote administration and post-exploitation tool mainly written in python.
pureblood 37.2c5ce07 A Penetration Testing Framework created for Hackers / Pentester / Bug Hunter.
pyfuscation 17.6d8d53f Obfuscate powershell scripts by replacing Function names, Variables and Parameters.
recomposer 2.90f85ed Randomly changes Win32/64 PE Files for 'safer' uploading to malware and sandbox sites.
rhodiola 4.8bc08a0 Personalized wordlist generator with NLP, by analyzing tweets (A.K.A crunch2049).
rsmangler 1.4 rsmangler takes a wordlist and mangle it
sakis3g 0.2.0e An all-in-one script for connecting with 3G.
scap-security-guide 0.1.60 Security compliance content in SCAP, Bash, Ansible, and other formats.
scap-workbench 1.2.1 SCAP Scanner And Tailoring Graphical User Interface.
search1337 11.bf03ec9 1337Day Online Exploit Scanner.
shellerator 34.c325e3d Simple command-line tool aimed to help pentesters quickly generate one-liner reverse/bind shells in multiple languages.
shellpop 148.a145349 Generate easy and sophisticated reverse or bind shell commands.
shellz 161.0ed068f A script for generating common revshells fast and easy.
simple-ducky 20.f15079e A payload generator.
sipvicious 463.20fd851 Tools for auditing SIP devices.
sn00p 0.8 A modular tool written in bourne shell and designed to chain and automate security tools and tests.
sn1per 616.4ff7c0c Automated Pentest Recon Scanner.
sploitctl 3.0.4 Fetch, install and search exploit archives from exploit sites like exploit-db and packetstorm.
spookflare 24.19491b5 Loader, dropper generator with multiple features for bypassing client-side and network-side countermeasures.
statsprocessor 0.11 A high-performance word-generator based on per-position Markov-attack.
thefatrat 813.b0586d0 TheFatRat a massive exploiting tool: easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack.
tiger 3.2.3 A security scanner, that checks computer for known problems. Can also use tripwire, aide and chkrootkit.
tlssled 1.3 A Linux shell script whose purpose is to evaluate the security of a target SSL/TLS (HTTPS) web server implementation.
torctl 0.5.7 Script to redirect all traffic through tor network including dns queries for anonymizing entire system.
ttpassgen 133.a06d99d Highly flexible and scriptable password dictionary generator based on Python.
unix-privesc-check 1.4 Tries to find misconfigurations that could allow local unprivilged users to escalate privileges to other users or to access local apps (e.g. databases).
username-anarchy 72.e063191 Tools for generating usernames when penetration testing.
valhalla-api 87.c010a48 Valhalla API Client.
veil 297.d8acd4c A tool designed to generate metasploit payloads that bypass common anti-virus solutions.
vlan-hopping 21.a37ba4e Easy 802.1Q VLAN Hopping
voiphopper 2.04 A security validation tool that tests to see if a PC can mimic the behavior of an IP Phone. It rapidly automates a VLAN Hop into the Voice VLAN.
wifi-autopwner 36.faa4d01 Script to automate searching and auditing Wi-Fi networks with weak security.
wikigen 8.348aa99 A script to generate wordlists out of wikipedia pages.
wmd 30.32e249a Python framework for IT security tools.
wnmap 0.1 A shell script written with the purpose to automate and chain scans via nmap.